Travel insurance through credit cards, work retirement package and memberships can give you great coverage. Read the full details of the policy details to ensure you’re properly covered.
The average stability period in most policies is 3 months. This means you are stable with any new medical change for 3 months prior to your departure. This also includes additions, deletions, increases or decreases in medications. All of these are considered a change in your stability. This is the biggest area of denial of claims, so understand this!!
Give your doctor details of your travel plans. This may help with unnecessary drug changes prior to a trip.
There may be stability period requirements within a trip cancellation policy. Eg. Your mom is in the hospital and you purchase a trip cancellation policy for your big cruise next year. Your mom needs to be stable with her medical condition on average 90 days prior to purchasing this policy to have full coverage. Again, understand what the policy details are.
The cost of your travel insurance can greatly change between companies. Some of these factors include, age, health, length of trip, if you’re travelling in the US or the number of travellers in your group are just a few.
Using a deductible with your travel insurance may reduce your premium.
Pre-existing medical conditions can affect cost.
Concealing or misrepresenting information could cause a denial of claim.
Check for travel warnings before a trip at
Not all travel insurance is equal. Understand what you are purchasing and make sure you know what you are covered for.